4343/3003/aluminium 4343 alloy clad ingots have been prepared by liquid-solid casting. The microstructure, elements distribution and interface bonding strength on the clad ingots were investigated. The interface bonding mechanism of the clad ingots was analyzed.
The results indicate that when the pouring temperature of aluminium 4343 alloy is 725-750℃, the metallurgical bonding of clad ingots is superior, and with clear and flat interface.
The metallurgical bonding interface of clad ingots consists of Al-Si strong resolution layer and diffusion layer of Si and Mn. The thickness of Al-Si strong option layer is uniform. The diffusion distances of Mn and Si are 10μm and 32μm, respectively.The bonding strength of clad ingots is larger than the ultimate tensile strength of 3003 aluminum alloy. The interface bonding mechanism of liquid-solid 4343/3003/4343 aluminum alloy clad ingot is as follows:firstly
the aluminium 4343 alloy melt is swiftly solidified on the the top of 3003 aluminum alloy ingot to type the Al-Si strong option layer, then the Si in the Al-Si strong remedy layer as well as the Mn within the 3003 aluminum alloy interdiffused to form the clad ingot with superior metallurgical bonding interface.
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