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description of aluminium

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  • aluminium - element information, properties and...

    Aluminium - Element information, properties and...

    Element Aluminium (Al), Group 13, Atomic Number 13, p-block, Mass 26.982. Sources, facts, uses, scarcity (SRI), podcasts, alchemical symbols, videos and images.

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  • aluminium - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Aluminium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Aluminium (in Commonwealth English) or aluminum (in American English) is a chemical element in the boron group with symbol Al and atomic number 13.

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  • aluminium»the essentials [webelements periodic...

    Aluminium»the essentials [WebElements Periodic...

    Pure aluminium is a silvery-white metal with many desirable characteristics. It is light, nontoxic (as the metal), nonmagnetic and nonsparking.

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  • industry description - australian aluminium...

    Industry Description - Australian Aluminium...

    The Australian aluminum industry has been operating in Australia for over 50 years, and throughout that time has been a significant contributor to the Australian economy.

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  • aluminum - definition of aluminum by the free...

    Aluminum - definition of aluminum by The Free...

    aluminium foil, aluminum foil, tin foil - foil made of aluminum. metal, metallic element - any of several chemical elements that are usually shiny solids that conduct ...

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  • it's elemental - the element aluminum

    It's Elemental - The Element Aluminum

    Aluminum is pronounced as ah-LOO-men-em. History and Uses: Although aluminum is the most abundant metal in the earth's crust, it is never found free in nature.

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  • aluminum | define aluminum at dictionary.com

    Aluminum | Define Aluminum at Dictionary.com

    Aluminum definition, Chemistry. a silver-white metallic element, light in weight, ductile, malleable, and not readily corroded or tarnished, occurring combined in ...

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  • metals description - eurometaux

    Metals Description - Eurometaux

    Metals Description. A few examples of specific metals ... Aluminium Cadmium Cobalt : Copper: Gold : Iridium Lead ...

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  • what is aluminum? - periodic table

    What is Aluminum? - Periodic Table

    What is Aluminum? Information and facts regarding the element Aluminum. Info about the element Aluminum includes the definition, classification, history, discovery ...

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  • aluminium - definition of aluminium by the free...

    Aluminium - definition of aluminium by The Free...

    Define aluminium. aluminium synonyms, aluminium pronunciation, aluminium translation, English dictionary definition of aluminium. n.

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