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how was aluminum discovered

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  • who discovered aluminum?

    Who Discovered Aluminum?

    It took the scientists who discovered aluminum years of experimentation before they succeeded in refining this elusive element.

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  • it's elemental - the element aluminum

    It's Elemental - The Element Aluminum

    The Element Aluminum - Basic Physical and Historical Information

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  • aluminium - wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Aluminium - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Aluminium (in Commonwealth English) or aluminum (in American English) is a chemical element in the boron group with symbol Al and atomic number 13.

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  • aluminium»historical information [webelements...

    Aluminium»historical information [WebElements...

    Aluminium: historical information. Aluminium was discovered by Hans Christian ... at which time the American Chemical Society decided to revert back to aluminum, ...

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  • aluminium - element information, properties and...

    Aluminium - Element information, properties and...

    Aluminium is used in a huge variety of products including cans, ... the Cornish chemist who discovered the metal, called it 'aluminum', after one of its source ...

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  • where was aluminum discovered - answers.com

    Where was aluminum discovered - Answers.com

    Hans Christian Oersted discovered aluminum (impure form) in 1825 in Denmark. The metal was first produced in 1825 (in an impure form) by Danish physicist and chemist ...

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  • who discovered aluminum - want to know it

    Who Discovered Aluminum - Want to Know it

    Aluminum, spelled aluminium in some countries, is a silvery white metal which is soft and lightweight. But who discovered aluminum? This post will answer that

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  • aluminum - chemistry explained

    ALUMINUM - Chemistry Explained

    Aluminum is found in Row 2, Group 13 of the periodic table. The periodic table is a chart that shows how the chemical elements are related to each other.

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  • aluminum >> history - davyson

    Aluminum >> History - Davyson

    It is often said that Aluminum has had a relatively brief history, and under the name Aluminum it is certainly true. But using aluminum for its properties in ...

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  • charles martin hall - the history of aluminum

    Charles Martin Hall - The History of Aluminum

    Charles Martin Hall invented the aluminum manufacturing process - the history and trivia surrounding aluminum.

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