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how was aluminum named

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  • aluminum or aluminium? - about.com education

    Aluminum or Aluminium? - About.com Education

    May 03, 2014 · Element 13 is called either aluminum or aluminium. Here is a look at the reason for the two different names.

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  • world wide words – aluminium versus aluminum

    World Wide Words – Aluminium versus Aluminum

    The metal was named by the English chemist Sir Humphry Davy (who, you may recall, ... then changing it to aluminum, and finally settling on aluminium in 1812.

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  • it's elemental - the element aluminum

    It's Elemental - The Element Aluminum

    What's in a name? From the Latin word for alum, alumen. Say what? Aluminum is pronounced as ah-LOO-men-em. History and Uses: Although aluminum is the most abundant ...

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  • how was aluminum named? - ask.com

    How was aluminum named? - Ask.com

    Aluminum, or aluminium, was named after alum, a mineral known and used since antiquity. In 1761, French chemist Louis-Bernard Gutyon de Morveau proposed the name ...

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  • aluminium»the essentials [webelements periodic...

    Aluminium»the essentials [WebElements Periodic...

    Pure aluminium is a silvery-white metal with many desirable characteristics. It is light, nontoxic (as the metal), nonmagnetic and nonsparking.

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  • origin of the name aluminum - answers.com

    Origin of the name aluminum - Answers.com

    Origin of the name aluminum? SAVE CANCEL. already exists. Would you like to merge this question into it? MERGE CANCEL. already ... Why was aluminum named aluminum?

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  • aluminum >> history - davyson

    Aluminum >> History - Davyson

    It is often said that Aluminum has had a relatively brief history, and under the name Aluminum it is certainly true. But using aluminum for its properties in ...

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  • aluminium»historical information [webelements...

    Aluminium»historical information [WebElements...

    Aluminium: historical information ... In 1807, Davy proposed the name alumium for the metal, undiscovered at that time, and later agreed to change it to aluminum.

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  • what is aluminum named after - answers.com

    What is aluminum named after - Answers.com

    Alum (Aluminum potassium sulfate) is a compound known to the ancient Greeks and Romans for its medical and industrial uses. In the 1700's chemists suspected that ...

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